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2017: Noah just turned two, and he’s a smiling little boy full of joy and a zest for life. “But,” say April and Michael, “there’s no way he would be here with us today without the help of Hebrew Free Loan.”

For almost two years the couple had tried without success to start a family, and they were running out of money for expensive fertility treatments. Hebrew Free Loan helped cover the costs of one more round, and the result was their beloved Noah.

“The loan wasn’t just a financial transaction, where we got a check in the mail,” April and Michael say. “It was another thread in this long piece of twine that ties us all together.”

April and Michael are deeply involved in their synagogue and their Jewish community, and they are moved that donors they’ve never met supported them in this way. “Hebrew Free Loan is community, it’s family, and it invested in our family to help make Noah possible.”

2020 UPDATE: Since this story was first written, Noah has turned five years old and he now has a little sister, Navah, who’s three. When they were ready to grow their family, April and Michael used the same loan for one last IVF round that brought Navah into the world. “We’re grateful every single day, when we wake up and see our incredible children,” April and Michael say. “Hebrew Free Loan is a true miracle-maker!”

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