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Bringing Dreams to Life
We're excited to share the video we debuted at our "Festive Night at the Museum." Meet some of our loan recipients, and hear about the positive impact our loans have had on their lives.
Growing Community
Borrower Stories
Melissa Blaustein
Melissa Blaustein has accomplished a lot in her less-than-40 years on the planet. A Mill Valley native and lifelong Marin County resident, she recently…
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MLK and the Pursuit of Justice
On Monday, January 20, we as a country commemorate the life of slain civil rights leader, Martin Luther King. Coincidentally, we will…
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Madeline Chaleff and David Arfin
Hebrew Free Loan’s new Environmental Loan Program helps people who want to live more sustainably but can’t afford the cost…
Read More“ What a wonderful Association - not only did we feel grateful for the financial support - we also felt like part of a community that really wanted us to succeed and be happy.”
Home Loan Recipient