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Rabbi Jamie’s Corner

We’re proud of Jamie Hyams, our Development Director, who received her rabbinic ordination in 2021 from the Academy for Jewish Religion | CA. We’ve asked Rabbi Jamie to occasionally share her perspective with our community. Jamie can be reached for questions, comments, or further dialogue at


Pedaling through the Livermore wine country, my cycling buddy and I are deeply engaged in a conversation about the weekly Torah portion and how it might shed light on our modern lives…

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Purim to Passover Hebrew Free Loan
Purim to Passover

“Turn it, and turn it, for everything is in it.” Embracing diversity with open minds and hearts…

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Tu b’Shvat

Nurturing and caring about the well-being our community and, thus by extension, the environment, is the mission of Hebrew Free Loan. In considering…

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Hanukkah 2022

Hanukkah, the “Festival of Lights,” begins tonight. We celebrate by lighting the festive hannukiah (Hanukkah menorah) that warms our homes and brings light to the darkness at a time when…

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Sukkot approaches: a time to be grateful for all that we have, juxtaposed with the recognition that the journey through our lives is fraught with uncertainty…

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