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Lior was 43 years old and had been trying to have a baby for seven years when she came to Hebrew Free Loan for assistance. Her son, Asher, was born almost exactly a year after she received our interest-free fertility loan. You don’t need to talk with Lior for more than a few minutes to know exactly how happy she is to be Asher’s mother.

“Hebrew Free Loan changed my life and made my dreams come true. I could never repay you enough. This is all I’ve ever wanted.”

Asher is now nine months old — a smart, funny, active little boy with an infectious laugh. He loves being around the other children at childcare, is deeply bonded with his mother, and adores their dog, Fergus. He lights up with excitement whenever Lior starts a video call with her mother or any of their other East Coast family.

Lior has always wanted to have a child, and she would have been happy to do it in a more traditional way if the right guy had come along. But she knew she’d rather have a child on her own than do it with someone she couldn’t count on to be a loving, present father over the long run. Her own mother raised Lior and her two older brothers on her own, so Lior wasn’t afraid of doing it alone.

“I grew up with a strong, wonderful mom who gave us a great life. She worked full-time and went back to school while raising three kids. I knew I could do it because I’d seen her do it.”

Lior is a nurse who works in hospital quality improvement, making sure that patient care meets the highest standards. She earns a good salary, but it’s not enough to handle the fertility treatments and procedures she needed, which weren’t all covered by insurance.

“By the time I applied for my loan, I was 43 and had burned through my savings on unsuccessful fertility treatments. I knew I only had  one more chance.Amazingly, the new procedure worked on the first try! I wouldn’t have been able to do it if not for Hebrew Free Loan.”

With the help of our Fertility Loan Program — which offers support for diagnostic testing and procedures such as IVF, IUI, cryopreservation, sperm or egg donation, embryo adoption, or surrogacy — Lior fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming a mother. She looks forward to watching Asher grow and sharing life’s adventures with him in the years to come.

“When I saw him, I knew that this was the baby I was supposed to have. He was the one, and it was worth everything I went through. That struggle with infertility for seven years … it just faded away. I don’t even remember it anymore.”

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