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Borrower Stories

Leah’s Story

Child care is Leah’s love and her calling. With a business loan from Hebrew Free Loan, she was able to purchase and expand Kid

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Building a Sustainable Life: Angie’s Story

Angie Doctor is a talented jazz musician and vocal teacher, with a long list of accomplishments. Her resume includes a stint as “The Girl”

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Bringing a Child into the World: Roman and Liliya’s Story

Roman and Liliya Kagan are the proud and happy parents of Bella, now almost a year-and-a-half old. Bella loves jumping in puddles, the color

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One Loan Touches Many Lives: Tobi’s Story

Tobi Lessem was 25 when she first came to Hebrew Free Loan, just back from eight months on a kibbutz. While she was still

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A Modern-Day Version Of An Old Dream: Greg’s Story

Greg considers himself lucky to have the opportunity to get up at 3 AM, seven days a week, to start a work day that

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