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Borrower Stories

Pursuing a Dream, No Matter What: Alex’s Story

Alex came to the United States from Romania when she was three years old. Her parents applied for political asylum, but the process was

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Staying Connected to the World: Barbara’s Story

Barbara was almost 80 years old when she left an abusive marriage and moved in with her daughter’s family. A retired social worker, she’d

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Alex Rayter

Alex Rayter is the Hebrew Free Loan 2017 Distinguished Loan Recipient Honoree. He’s also a member of our Full Circle Club, supporting the agency

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StudySoup CEO Sieva Kozinsky named in Forbes 30 Under 30

Last Tuesday, Forbes released its sixth annual “30 Under 30” list, made up of 600 entrepreneurs and leaders who are disrupting the ordinary, innovating

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Family Ties: April and Michael’s Story

2017: Noah just turned two, and he’s a smiling little boy full of joy and a zest for life. “But,” say April and Michael,

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