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Borrower Stories

Sieva Kozinsky

Sieva Kozinsky and Jeff Silverman teamed up to launch StudySoup, a browser based, interactive course material platform in March 2012. An interest-free business loan

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Karen Goldberg

Karen Goldberg has received two interest-free business loans from Hebrew Free Loan. The first, in 1991, was used to expand a restaurant she owned

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Sarah Perna’s Story

Sarah received two interest-free loans from Hebrew Free Loan: a debt consolidation loan and a life-cycle loan to help her pay for her wedding.

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Adopting a Child from Siberia: Esther’s Story

Esther had thought about adopting a child on and off for many years. In the early 90’s, she began volunteering to help Bosnian refugees

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A Cookie Tale: David Parker’s Story

Picture a cookie that looks just like your daughter, your parent…or you. That’s right, a personalized cookie crafted in your image. David Parker, founder

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