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Disaster Relief

Interest-free loans to help with immediate needs or longer-term recovery costs related to a natural disaster, war, or other humanitarian crisis

Loans can be turned around within days, if necessary. Our loans can help with a wide range of disaster or crisis-related needs:

  • Temporary lodging
  • Loss of income / emergency living expenses
  • Emergency transportation
  • Emergency home repairs
  • Replacing a car, furnishings, or clothing
  • Rebuilding or replacing a home that’s been destroyed
  • Business losses
  • Unemployment

Loan amounts will vary, depending on individual needs, but in most cases the maximum is $20,000 – $25,000. If you’re unsure how much to request, do your best to estimate what you need, and a loan officer will work with you to figure out what makes the most sense, given your situation.

What types of disasters or crises qualify for our disaster relief loans?  We typically offer loans for needs due to natural disasters like wildfires, earthquakes, severe storms, floods, drought, and tornadoes. We also offer loans for humanitarian needs caused by war and other crises.

Israeli Assistance Loans

Disaster relief loans are available to assist family and friends with humanitarian needs caused by the war in Israel. If you need help to support your loved ones impacted by the devastating events taking place in Israel, please visit our Israeli Assistance Loans page to get more info and apply.

Ukraine Assistance Loans

Disaster relief loans are still available for those wishing to assist family and friends impacted by the war in Ukraine. Loans may be used to help with food, housing, transportation, or any other humanitarian needs. If you need help to support your loved ones living through this ongoing conflict, please visit our Ukraine Assistance Loans page to get more info and apply.

Feel free to call us at (415) 546-9902 x110 before you apply, if you have questions.

Hebrew Free Loan’s Model

Hebrew Free Loan is based on principles found in the Torah, in which we are commanded not to derive personal benefit — i.e. not to charge interest — when we lend money to assist those in need. Click here to watch a short video about Parashat Mishpatim, the Torah section that contains these teachings.

We’ve proven the success of our model with a repayment rate of over 99.5%. That’s the beauty of interest-free lending. As loans are repaid, funds are recycled to make new loans. Many loan recipients also participate in our Full Circle Club, in which former borrowers pay forward the help they received by donating to Hebrew Free Loan to help the next person in need.

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